Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Man v/s Women??
what do you think what are the differences between women and man have??
Discuss here........


  1. Hey ravi,
    nice attempt...
    Everyone tends to believe the truth that there are no differences between man and women and they are the same.but actually there are certain differences that make women stronger than men.

    Women tend to be more personal than men. Women have a deeper interest in people and feelings —building relationships —while men tend to be more preoccupied with practicalities that can be understood through logical deduction. Men tend to be more challenge-and-conquer oriented—competing for dominance —hence, their strong interest in sports such as football and boxing.
    Men tend to be less desirous and knowledgeable in building intimate relationships, both with God and with others. For example, women are usually the ones who buy marriage books. They are usually the ones who develop the initial interest in knowing God and attending church. When a man realizes his wife is more naturally motivated to nurture relationships, he can relax and accept these tendencies and choose to develop a better marriage and better relationships with his children.

    and there are many more differences.....:)

  2. Oh....thanks Jeet!!!!
    Very storng comments......
    Let me explore another aspect.....

    Womenn like to be secured by men, they need comfort and shadow and everything they do within security barrier
    hence Men are "Dog of the House".........

    Men are too simpler to be explored, easily understable, predictable so they are compared to "Dog-signature of simpliness"
    On the other hand Women are too complex, unpredictable, they change their view very quickly, each time they need assurance and answer of everything hence they are compared to "Cat-signature of complexity"....

    Women are more expressive than men. So sometimes they are initiator of communication in relationship.

    Women are more expert in pretending fake image and they are bit selfish on the other hand Men are bit more honest and they can be identified easily when they try to pretend something else they are not....

    Traditionally Men are "brad-earner" but now things are changing...

    Men like to be cared by opposite sex in relationship and hence Womwen are "support system" and Men are "execution system" in nature.....

    Let me change my views if you think something else....

  3. I suggest both of you to read this most common book .. "Men are from Mars ..." by John gray...

    @Ravi: Good to see you have started writing a blog ... pen down all your moments of life ... we are here to listen ... All the best ...

    And yes ... Last thing ... "MEN are from EARTH, WOMEN are from EARTH" deal with it ... as you both agreed ... Men are a bit more practical than women...

  4. Sure Jaimin sir,
    I'm more focused on writing things in which I believe now.

    You will find more frequent posts.
